
LaderaTech has engineered new hydrogel additives that are capable of retaining retardants on target fuels through weathering, enabling for the first time preventative treatments on landscapes at high risk for ignition to reduce the incidence and severity of fire starts. Our goal is to adapt, optimize and deploy biomimetic and environmentally-benign fire retardant mobilization agent(s) we have developed at Stanford. The long duration efficacy and weather resistance of our solution makes it superior to current fire retardants that are in use; many with lifetimes of a week or less. Additionally our solution is more effective than mowing or brush clearance which are still susceptible to ignition. We envision using conventional resources and existing supply chains to manufacture, distribute and deploy our fire retardant
Team Members
Anthony C. Yu (PhD MSE). Jesse Acosta, and PI: Prof. Eric Appel (MSE)
Learn more
Innovation Transfer Spotlight: Where Medical Science Meets Wildfire Prevention July 2020
LaderaTech and FORTIFY acquired by Perimeter Solutions May 2020
2020 NREL Industry Growth Forum Best Venture Award goes to Laderatech May 2020
Researchers develop gel-like fluid to prevent wildfires November 2019
New gel lets us spread flame retardant before wildfires start October 2019
Stanford researchers have developed a gel-like fluid to prevent wildfires October 2019
LaderaTech's gel prevents plants from burning to stop wildfires September 2019