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Program Requirements and Guidelines

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Awards are anticipated to be announced by July 1 and fellowships for selected students will begin autumn quarter.

Funding and Duration

This graduate fellowship will provide a stipend and tuition support. An annual stipend ($13,885 per quarter in 2025-26) and tuition for two 4-quarter academic years beginning in the autumn quarter. This fellowship will also provide $5000 in research or conference travel funding. This research funding will be provided through the purchase and payment of direct expenses, by Stanford. Any items purchased with this Stanford funding are considered the property of Stanford University.

The source of funding is gift funds. Awarded fellowships will be funded through a newly created PTA.

The graduate fellow must perform their research in connection with one or more Stanford faculty members. The student’s primary faculty advisor will need to serve as the student's endorser and recommender on the proposal. The primary faculty advisor must be an eligible Principal Investigator (PI) per Stanford policy.

All fellowship recipients are expected to continue to make satisfactory progress towards their degree, otherwise, support may be suspended or canceled.

Leaves of Absence

All fellows must comply with University Leave of Absence Policy and procedures, as well as any department or program requirements. Please note that fellows on a leave of absence are not eligible to receive fellowship support during the quarters of leave.

Once a leave of absence is approved by a department, fellows must contact the TomKat Center to indicate the quarter the leave begins and the quarter in which the fellow will resume studies (including summer quarters without enrollment before or after the leave of absence).

If a fellow does not return after four consecutive quarters of leave (including summer quarters without enrollment before or after the leave of absence), the remainder of the fellowship will be canceled.

If the leave of absence is due to serious illness or other medical condition, or active military service, and will result in an absence of more than four consecutive quarters without enrollment, contact the TomKat Center regarding fellowship arrangements.

Read the GAP Policy 5.3, regarding leaves of absence

Project Reporting

Graduate fellows will be required to prepare an interim progress report at the end of the first year. At the end of the final year, a final summary report will be required. If any technical review sessions, workshops, or other activities that report on the funded research are held, fellows may be asked to participate in them or to provide presentation materials. Second-year funding is contingent upon the submission of the interim progress report. Papers/abstracts and project summaries may be posted on the TomKat Center website. Beyond the term of the award, updates on follow on research, publications, awards, and activities are requested by the TomKat Center.

Contact info

For questions associated with the fellowship program or the submission process please contact: Danica Sarlya

Application information and submission links can be found here