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Perseus Materials - Mechanical engineering intern

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Positions: Mechanical engineering intern
Location: Knoxville, TN
Innovation Area: Energy, Food, Water, Human Health and Environment Nexus; Energy Efficiency
Position Type: TomKat Center-supported
Compensation: $8000
Internship Term: 8 weeks

Apply Here

Much of the difficulty in building big infrastructure projects comes from the mismatch between the simplicity of the building blocks we can manufacture and the complexity of our structures. Our mission is to radically simplify how we build big projects. Perseus, established 2022, is a start-up out of Stanford University that develops revolutionary mobile manufacturing processes for on-site fabrication of oversize high-performance fiber-reinforced polymer composites. By making composites more convenient than steel, we can supplant steel, responsible for >8% of major greenhouse gas emissions, as the world’s default structural material. We build oversize load bearing structures for buildings, bridges, wind turbines, and other applications in infrastructure and energy. We work closely with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and have support from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, and ARPA-E.


You will aid in component design, fabrication, testing, and qualification for custom Perseus hardware for internal use and for final parts for customers. You will work with chemists, process engineers, materials engineers, and mechatronics engineers for the optimization of the manufacturing process. 

Who Should Apply

Anyone with the relevant experience

Required Expertise

Core competencies: 

  • Generate documentation for parts and assemblies including CAD drawings 
  • Design and testing of FRP parts
  • Operate standard machinery for in-house fabrication 

Nice to have:

  • Perform FEA on component and assembly level and/or work with modeling specialists for FEA but know enough to validate 3rd party work
  • Working with FRPs including traditional fabrication methods
  • Performing and analyzing non-destructive testing of FRPs
  • Identifying and engaging with vendors for materials, parts, and services
  • Coordinating teams with people of different disciplines

Preferred Skills/Majors

No majors are required but candidates may be from mechanical engineering majors.