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ReSource Chemical Corp.

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Positions: R&D Intern
Location: Oakland, CA
Innovation Area: Materials and Chemicals; Environment and Health
Position Type: TomKat Center-supported
Compensation: $8000
Internship Term: 8 weeks

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ReSource is developing a technology to produce novel materials from sustainable feedstocks for use in applications such as packaging, bottles, and fibers. These materials do not accumulate in nature and outperform incumbent plastics. Current commodity plastic production accounts for 8% of global oil and gas use and nearly 4% of GHG emissions, with these numbers projected to double in the next 30 years. We are commercializing a proprietary process to produce FDCA, a replacement for the petrochemical monomer PTA that is used to make polyesters such as PET, the world’s 2nd largest commodity polymer by volume. Polyesters made using FDCA are 100% recyclable, industrially compostable, and degrade much faster than conventional polyester if released into the environment. They outperform PET, with superior thermal and mechanical properties and an increased shelf life for perishable goods. The commercialization of these materials has been impeded by the high complexity and cost of conventional processes which source FDCA from sugar. ReSource technology produces FDCA from CO2 and waste biomass and reduces the process steps by two thirds, resulting in a dramatically lower production cost that will enable market penetration for high volume applications. Commodity materials synthesized from ReSource FDCA could eliminate >200 Mton yr–1 of GHG emissions.

The company is located in Oakland and was founded in 2019 on technology developed at Stanford University. Backed by leading venture investor Khosla Ventures, we are currently optimizing process conditions in preparation for a pilot-scale demonstration.


Work with the team to develop process conditions to perform our core chemical technologies.

Who Should Apply

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering undergraduate students.

Required Expertise

Wet lab experience

Preferred Skills/Majors

  • Experience with analytical techniques such as HPLC
  • Experience with building and/or operating chemical reactors